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Exploring Life Drawing (Design Concepts), by Harold B. Stone
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Exploring Life Drawing introduces the art of drawing the human figure from observation, a skill as relevant for today's new media-driven visual artists as for traditional fine artists. Written by an experienced drawing instructor and accomplished artist, this extensively illustrated book helps the reader build skills and construct an individual drawing style. Each chapter introduces a specific technique, explains its history, and provides clear instruction on how to implement the approach. Exploring Life Drawing also offers detailed, step-by-step demonstrations and specific guidelines for objectively assessing the results. The text is further strengthened by a beautiful art program, containing classic and contemporary images from some of the largest collections in the world- giving readers an opportunity to learn from the masters and to connect with the history and grandeur of the art form.
- Sales Rank: #1674931 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Cengage Learning
- Published on: 2007-03-30
- Released on: 2007-03-30
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x .65" w x 8.00" l, 1.48 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 288 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
What is Drawing? Contour Lines. Value. Gesture. The Quick Study. Modeling. Proportion. Composing the Picture. Developing your Skills. What Comes Next?
About the Author
Harold B. Stone, whose drawings have been exhibited across the U.S., has taught drawing, painting, and art history for 25 years. In 1995 he founded the Minneapolis Drawing Workshop, an organization dedicated to exhibiting figurative drawings and paintings and presenting drawing workshops, marathons, and cooperative drawing sessions.
Most helpful customer reviews
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Finally, the definitive life drawing book
By James R. Elert
From my first life drawing course in college (30 years ago) until now, I have continually combed commercial and collegiate booksellers for an effective and definitive "teaching-and-learning style" life drawing textbook. Finally, there is one: Harold Stone's new "Exploring Life Drawing." Through easy-to-read text, classic and contemporary drawings, a wide range of styles and techniques, and a useful chapter by chapter review process, this book has it all. Best of all, it encourages the development of one's own distinctive drawing style.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
exploring life drawing
By Paula Hannah-Mauri
This book was written with careful attention to detail. It includes illustrations that demystifies the drawing experience. It is for the artist who is interested in learning and sharpening his or her skills. It gives step-by-step techniques for rendering a variety of figures in numerous positions in both loose and sketcky style to tight and detailed. I recommend this book highly to both the beginning artist and the experienced artist. Paula Hannah-Mauri
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
New Approach to Life Drawing
By F. Nelson
This book is very well organized and uses excellent examples, many by the hand of the author himself. The writing style is clear, straightforward, and quite informative. The author guides you step by step through the drawing process. The exercises at the end of the chapters are great, especially in the way they help you to develop your own individual style. This new approach to life drawing is very useful and long overdue. A must for any serious student of art!
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