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Transmetropolitan, Vol. 2: Lust For Life, by Warren Ellis
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Outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem attacks the injustices of his surreal 21st Century through black humor as an investigative reporter for the newspaper The Word in this critically-acclaimed graphic novel series written by comics' superstar Warren Ellis, the co-creator of PLANETARY and THE AUTHORITY.
In this volume, Jerusalem targets three of society's most worshipped and warped pillars: politics, religion, and television. When Spider tries to shed light on the atrocities of these institutions, he finds himself fleeing a group of hitmen/kidnappers in possession of his ex-wife's frozen head, a distorted creature alleging to be his son, and a vicious talking police dog.
- Sales Rank: #63055 in Books
- Brand: DC Comics
- Published on: 2009-05-26
- Released on: 2009-05-26
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x .40" w x 6.60" l, .42 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 144 pages
"Transmet is brilliant future-shock commentary."
"Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson take a Hunter S. Thompson analogue and put him through a 23rd century wringer. It's angry political sci-fi and it's funny as hell."
About the Author
Warren Ellis is one of the most prolific, read, and admired graphic novelists in the world and the creator of Transmetropolitan and The Authority. He lives in southern England with his partner, Niki, and their daughter, Lilith. He never sleeps.
Most helpful customer reviews
12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
a fine thing
By Erik Swedlund
The first book in the collected Transmetropolitan comics, Back on the Street, covers the first three issues. This, the second book, covers issues 4-12. While the first is pounding with intensity, here Spider Jerusalem settles into his setting and is put through his paces. Having gotten Spider out of his mountain retreat and back to reporting, it seems writer Warren Ellis started casting about to find something for Spider to do. A few of the issues are slower than the insanity of the first three, possibly meant as quiet, sarcastic reflection on social issues. That the series is, if not strictly autobiographical, at least very close to Ellis's heart, is clear. I would hope that the comic could remain as intense, even when its protagonist is writing about somber topics. Then again, Spider's columns are what the comic is about, and if these issues aren't full of heart-pounding action, they are still very good. The issue in which Spider becomes TV is almost completely static (a full three pages, 18 frames, consist of nothing but a view of Spider sitting in his chair) but is still one of the best stories. The pace picks up again in the last three issues, a 3-part story that has Spider pursued around The City by a neatness cult carrying his ex-wife's head in a jar. Extra-spectacular is the death of the police dog.
15 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Another brilliant set from Warren Ellis.
By Stephen Morrison Lewis
"I Hate it Here." Perhaps this best sums up the personality of Spider Jerusalem, renegade reporter and cynic of the first degree. Disgusted by the world around him, he leaves the city and lives as a hermit.
Years after his escape, his publisher drags him back into the city, wanting the books he was promised five years back. Needing money to live in the city, he whores himself out to The Word, a newspaper run by an old friend. These are his "adventures."
Spider is brilliant, witty, and cynical. Through his eyes, Ellis gives an outlook of a bizarre future in which Aliens have landed, corporate America manages to advertise in your dreams, and reporters can write off their drug habits as a journalistic expense.
This is the second collection of Transmetropolitan, following back on the streets. Reprinted are issues 4-12. Spider is both hostage and witness as events unfold. Fortunately, it's ammunition which he fires right back at the world.
Spider can turn anything into an article, from the consequences of cryogenic freezing and restoration to simple Television. He visits reservations from the sensible to the logical extreme, and provides political commentary (And even rearranges their bowels). He encounters death threats and tangles with religion.
Let's not beat around the bushes here. This is a comic book. Fancy words aside, it's packages exactly as Spider-Man or Batman would be. That's where the similarities end. This is not aimed at children, and probably shouldn't be read by children. There is blood, gore, nudity, and thought-provoking material
What we do have is Warren Ellis' own use of the medium--A twisted, often dark, and humorous look at a futuristic world. his portrayal is brilliant, steps ahead of almost every other writer in the field of comics.
Brilliance in such a simplistic medium. Such a refreshing and innovative series.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Slice of LIFE
By Chris Conroy
Warren Ellis had already established the "who"-- outlaw journalist Spider Jerusalem-- of TRANSMETROPOLITAN with his introductory arc, "Back On The Street"; now, he defines the where. The futuristic sprawl of the eponymous City is the future-shock extrapolation of all the cultures in every modern city; a new religion is created every hour, the TV plants ads in your brain, and on every corner there's a man in a suit full of speakers who'd just love to get you on the air for the feedsites. In this collection of six one-shot stories (And the uproarious pandemonium of "Freeze Me With Your Kiss"), Ellis and Robertson point their camera at the little things that make the City what it is, from brain-fried cryogenic refugees of the twentieth century (In the unbelievably touching story "another cold morning") to the Foglets, men and women who love technology so much that they were willing to have their minds transferred into functionally immortal clouds of floating nanotechnology. Through Spider Jerusalem's cynical eyes, however (And Ellis' perfect writing), there's no way to miss all the raw humanity flowing through all of these far-out visions. Profane and vulgar, but simultaneously hilarious and moving. A can't-miss for anyone who reads comics, and a must-see for someone who's always thought them to be just for kids.
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